Words for 2023

I wanted to start 2023 in a way that I haven’t started previous years and that’s by seriously thinking about what I’d like to do and achieve this year. As often happens, I spent some time scrolling through Instagram to see what others had planned for the year and I saw one of my favourite influencers, @Iamascia, mention her ‘word of the year.’
Using the same concept, instead of choosing one word for the year, I decided to focus on a few different themes and identify suitable word for each. My words for 2023 are:
Faith has always been important to me but I think there is a big difference between ritualistic and habitual faith-based practice that tends to happen over time, compared to a more conscious and deliberate connection with spirituality which connects one’s thoughts, heart and actions.
Love for me is not particularly about receiving but about giving. To allow your thoughts and actions to be guided by love is actually very difficult and as someone with a naturally dry demeanour, this one may be the most difficult of the three. Thoughts can very easily drift and become centred on harshness, sarcasm and reaction rather than taking a step back and allowing the best of yourself to come to the fore.
Health is possibly the most ‘typical’ of many a new year’s resolution but that doesn’t make it any less important. My aim is to focus on health holistically this year, bringing together the physical and mental with a particular emphasis on getting to grips with my PCOS symptoms and practicing healthcare which is gentle, nourishing and compassionate.
These are the thoughts I’m taking into 2023 with me. Share your words for 2023 below or any new year’s resolutions you would like to achieve.