Witness to a genocide

This is perhaps the most surreal post I have ever written. As I write, the Israeli government has begun its genocidal onslaught of Gaza. The images and videos and testimonies coming from Gaza are utterly soul destroying as the world sees, for the first time in history, what the genocide of a people looks like in real time.
We do not know how long we will continue to hear from people in Gaza - the Israelis have declared that water, food, electricity and fuel (all of which Israel controls) will be shut off. The people of Gaza will very soon face a complete media blackout, unable to charge their own phones and laptops, with Israel having banned any foreign journalists from entering Gaza.
The disinformation campaigns have already begun to go viral with completely false stories going viral in Western media news outlets and even mentioned by US President Joe Biden in his speech this week, only to be quietly retracted later, with the damage having already been done.
The pain of witnessing an occupied people trying to survive in what was an open air concentration camp and is now an open air death camp - with c.2 million people living on a strip of land a fraction of the size of London (UK), has truly helped me to understand how it was that the Nazis were able to engineer their death and destruction during WWII. There are no words to describe the absolute horror of what I have seen on social media in the last few days, from the half-bodies of dead children, to corpses lying in the street with their limbs cut off, lumps of flesh and blood where once there were living, breathing human beings.
As a Muslim, I am strengthened only by the belief that the corruption that would be spread upon the earth as we move closer to the end of days, was foretold. We were taught of how things would progress and having borne witness to the wars in Iraq and Syria, both of which were foretold, I can only focus on strengthening my iman and praying for the safety of our ummah as we move forward. There is no barrier between the prayer of the one who is opporessed and the One who listens and bayt-al-maqdis is protected by angels who will stand in witness.
That the minor signs of the Final Day are coming to fruition slowly but surely and that the major signs will follow is completely obvious to me. The world of geopolitics is being rearranged and one can only wait to see the justice He has promised.