Review: MUL Cosmetics Hair Oil

Hair Oil 002
A lightweight hair oil packed with nourishing ingredients to promote hair growth and reduce shedding
I purchased this hair oil after I first started getting PRP treatments for hair loss because I wanted to use something powerful between treatments to nourish and help the scalp in stimulating hair growth, and specifically, in growing strong hair which didn’t decide to fall out after every wash. (Keep an eye out for my review of PRP which is coming soon!)
How I Use It
This is very much a hair oil. It’s not a serum, it’s not super lightweight or a dry oil. It is most definitely oil and one you should use on hair wash day to get the full benefits. I tend to was my hair twice per week. On those days, I will apply the oil all over the scalp and massage it in using this handy dandy scalp stimulator. I let it sit for at least 4 hours and wash it out in the evening.
The key to using hair oil and noticing a difference, is consistency. You won’t really get any benefit from oiling once per month and hoping for the best. Hair oiling works best in a full haircare routine focused on scalp care so when I’m ready to wash out the oil, 10 minutes beforehand, I will apply this scalp exfoliator. The last thing you want is to let any product or grease build up in or around the hair follicles as it will inhibit the hair growth you’re looking for.
Once you get into the rhythm of oiling regularly (I aim for twice per week) plus scalp exfoliation and using a decent shampoo, conditioner and styling products, you will start to notice a difference.
I have definitely noticed an improvement in hair growth and volume and am now on my second bottle. The hair growth cycle is long so be patient. I would suggest trying it out consistently for 3 months at least, to see if you notice a difference, although, depending on the specific condition of your hair, it may take longer to see results. The ingredients are powerful and each is known for promoting healthy hair. Although it does have a scent, it’s not overpowering and completely fine for a few hours, a couple of times per week. I quite like the scent to be honest, but again, anyone sensitive to scents, may have a different opinion.